turned a corner

turned a corner

I think a lot.  I turn a lot of corners.  The life of a squirrel consists of many twists, turns, stops, merges, yields… everything you go through, I probably go through.

Ever think you were the center of the universe?  That you control gravity and therefore must control everything around you?  The length of a day?  The length of a year?  I think i may have mentioned this before, but since I like reading myself talk, I’ll just lay it on you again.  We can control everything but time.  So, the length of the day or year?  I may think I can do something about that… but I’m just fooling myself.  Even if my perception of time were to change, time would not.

Being the center of a universe really, is kind of a misleading statement.  If we can’t truly measure how big the universe is, how can we genuinely determine what point is the center?  We can’t… so don’t think it.  If I turned a corner in the universe, how would I know?

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