Cosplay fear…

cosplay bob the squirrel

I’ll just say it… I am popular throughout the world.  I see more nuts in one day than Peter Pan Peanut Butter sees in a decade.  But the one thing I’ve never had done… cosplay.  What makes Spiderman and Superman and that Bat guy some much more cosplayable than me?  Is it the fur?  Is it that their movies have made several billion dollars?  Is it that I don’t have a costume?  Is it that I am too MUCH of a costume?  It can’t be the tail.

Maybe it is the tail.  Nah, can’t be the tail.

Even Frank got cosplayed! 10150340298761493 I mean, why couldn’t that be me instead of him?  But… noooooo… I’m merely represented by some stuffed toy won out of a crane machine.  See how easily I’m replaced?  SEE?

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