it’s Friday…

it's Friday for Bob the Squirrel

Yep.  It’s that day again.  Friday.  The end of the work week.  The beginning of the weekend.  The day after Thursday.  The day that’s past Wednesday but not quite Saturday.  It’s a day that has a personality.  It’s the day we spend all day Monday dreaming about.  It’s the day where lots of bad thing can happen, and some things happen that some can’t remember on Saturday…and probably end up remembering them on Sunday and regretting them on Monday.

I would should wish you a happy Friday, but I won’t.  Do what you want.  Don’t listen to Bob.

See you on Monday.

And be sure to check out the latest Bob the Squirrel and Squirrelosophy collections: at one point, the kid had A LOT of potential and that’s one way of doing it along with all the other Bob the Squirrel books… if you haven’t already.

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