that facebook number…

that facebook number

Ah Facebook.. you wonderfully heartbreaking, ego-shaking, build you up and tear you down multi-headed beast.

I must admit that I derive a TON of my worth from the new numbers I see at the top of my browser window.  It’s not right, it’s not healthy, but I know  I feel much BETTER when I see a number.  Any number.  Is this what we’ve become?  Worth on a screen?  Little red Scrabble tiles telling us how our day will be?  Telling us how we will look at ourselves in a mirror?

Yup.  One can resist it or one can join.  It’s the way the world is turning and I don’t have the strength to run the other way.

By the way, If you see this on Facebook, could you “LIKE” it?  I want to have a good day today.


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