impressive… NOT

impressive... NOT

The more and more that time messes with you, the less impressive you get.  I’m not talking about personal growth… because everyone can get better no matter where or when they are.  I’m talking about seeing things and being impressed by them.  With more experience under your tail, you see things.  A lot of things.  Numerous things.  So many things that you start forgetting some of the earlier stuff that you’ve seen.  It is absolutely true.

It’s getting harder and harder for this squirrel to be impressed by something.  Because everything lately seems to be a slight and small spin on something that already exists.  I can’t be WOW’d anymore… and on the off chances that I am, it’s really something.  I guess in a way that’s a good thing…because if I existed in a world where everything was so new all the time, everything new would get a little old for me pretty fast.

Incidentally, did something on this very issue… and even though I’m a squirrel, it totally got me… mind you, it didn’t IMPRESS me, but it got me.

I’m sure everyone will go through this at some point.  I think the secret might be to just keep looking for stuff you don’t know about.  Something completely new to you (but not to someone else) may get that impressive muscle some exercise.

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