bad hair day with a twist…

bad hair day with a twist

When life give you a bad hair day, make sure you have a hat.  It would be wonderful if you had the luxury of not doing anything until you looked your absolute best.  First of all, I don’t even know what that means.  I don’t know what looking my best means I mean.  Sure, I make sure the cracker crumbs are completely out of my tail… and that the toothpaste is not on the corner of my mouth… and that the morning eye crusties are removed (actually, I’m not always on top of that one.)

If I had a bad hair day, I could easily walk around with my tail over my head.  It would be so easy to not deal with the problem, cover the problem up and hope that through the course of the day the problem will disappear on its own or I will just stop caring.  Walking around with my tail over my head is all I’d be able to do… I would walk in circles because I wouldn’t be able to see where I was going… which leads to other problems.  So by not dealing with an easy problem, I end up creating more.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

You do?  Good.  Because I can’t see a thing with my tail in front of my face.

Happy Monday!

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