one button…

atari video games joystick

I’ve done research on one button.  There was a time when one button was all you ever needed to do anything.  As we advanced, we added buttons… I’m not just talking about video games, but in everything.  Can you find a piece of technology now that just does ONE THING?  If you need a new printer, the only affordable one you can find faxes, scans, makes coffee and prints stuff.  PHONES!  Phones used to do one thing… be phones!  Now, you can do your taxes, turn your lights on and pet your dog while ordering a pizza from your car.  What is going on?  Why does everything need to do everything? Save time?  Seriously?

positivity and the apocalypse…

positivity and the apocalypse

Positivity is not the first character trait one thinks of when one thinks of me.  I know it, I know it… and believe me, I’m totally cool with that.  I tend to give off the sarcastic “I’m Bob” vibe… except when it comes to the dogs… they really don’t care how I act just so long as I don’t taunt them.  Good thing the fur grows over all the scars.

So, if tomorrow doesn’t happen, today will be the best day of your life.  It’s sunny where I am right now… I want to leave with a good impression… even if that impression only lasts a few seconds.

If tomorrow DOES happen, I’ll be back to normal.  Promise.

Enjoy the day.  Because you can.


Cend of the world original art saleome December 21, 2012, we may not have to worry about much…

The Mayans predicted that the would would end tomorrow…
Until then, why not buy some original BOB THE SQUIRREL ART!

This is a ONE DAY OFFER! Click on the image to get yourself on the end of the world bandwagon.
Either way, we all come out as winners, right?

making resolutions…


I like to make resolutions.  One of the resolutions I have recently made was to not lie as much as I usually do.  In other words, I genuinely, passionately dislike making resolutions.  They never work.  I’m more inclined to blame them than my lack of an attention span or capacity to give a monkey’s toss after a certain point in the process.

Still, we make them.  Maybe it’s because we think that this year will be different, that something will click and everything wrong that took months to build up will somehow be righted because there’s a new calendar up on the wall.  Not likely.  I tell myself every year that I’m done with them.  But I make them.  I write them down, I study them, I commit them to memory.  A day later I start to ignore the first one.  A day after that the second one bites the dust… and so on and so on until… POOF!  it’s February and I don’t have to feel guilty anymore.

So go ahead, make those resolutions… the world might be ending at the end of the week anyway…might as well go out feeling you’ve accomplished something.  If the world doesn’t end, well… there’s always February.

off to see the wizard…


Yes, I’m gonna talk about the Wizard of Oz... not that Potter guy…

You always have the power within yourself to be or do whatever you want…you just need to be tested.  The journey is part of that test… to have adventure and to see what you’re really made of.  Maybe, the journey reveals that what you initially sought didn’t mean as much as you thought it did.  Maybe, placebos work much better as a cure than actual medication.  Maybe tin men should get clear coated to prevent rust…or maybe find a less in-the-elements type of vocation to pursue.

The Wizard in the Wizard of Oz was a faker… but a faker with a heart… albeit a conceited, cowardly and selfish heart.  It was a heart nonetheless.

We tend to fool ourselves more than we’re honest with ourselves.  I think that this is completely normal just so long as one doesn’t eliminate the other completely.  Fooling ourselves allows us to do things we never thought we could do.  Being honest with ourselves allows us to figure out what needs to be done.
If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t think I’m the Wizard.  If I’m fooling myself, then I probably already forgot.

Just follow the yellow brick road, okay?


pressure…pushing down on me…


Ah, pressure… how I love thee.  I don’t know even if I’d ever want to be a diamond… it might be a bit uncomfortable trying to get comfortable all the time.  The same is true or being dust… you can never be too sure if you’re entirely there… because, well, you’re made of dust.  There must be a happy medium between the two.  I’ve seen Frank take the pressure he’s under and turn it into some great work.  A day later he takes that same pressure and does nothing but eat vanilla pudding all day.  He’s not diamond or dust… he’s like wood with a coupon for some steel.

All this is easier said than done.  You can learn how to deal with pressure, but until you’re actually pressed, what does it mean?  Will you deal well or not so well?  Will you be hard or will you just be blown away?

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