what dreams are made of…

what dreams are made of

I have a lot of dreams… and I’m not talking about the climbing Mt. Everest type of dreams.  I’m talking about my head hitting the pillow, eyes eventually closing and mind drifting away in my head type of dreams.  For the longest time, I never remembered them.  Frank, I’m not sure what goes on in that head when his eyes close.  It’s hard for him to get to sleep… and when he does, he sleeps for MAYBE 5 hours… and that’s on a good night.  I don’t know how he does it… eventually he’s going to crash hard.  HARD.  So, when his body finally does calm his brain down, they probably all just have a coffee break and say why bother with the dreaming… we’re tired too.

That’s probably not true, the brain dreams… it just chooses the ones for you to remember… the ones to make you sad or the ones to terrorize the sweat and saliva right out of you.  Maybe one of these nights I’ll have a dream about it.



education and the modern squirrel…

education and the modern squirrel
My education is entirely self-taught.  That really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, does it?  How can you teach yourself something you don’t know if someone or something has not brought that unknown to your attention?  Learning without having a teacher is kinda sketchy to me too.  Informally learning, that I can get with. A teacher doesn’t have to necessarily be a person or a being, it can be anything that gets you where you weren’t before that object was in front of you.

That all being said, you could be the smartest person in the world and still be a dumb as a two sided box or rocks.

Lucy, Peanuts and Bob…

lucy peanuts and bob

We tend to stay home a lot.  I tend to eat a lot of peanuts.  Lucy, Frank’s insane Jack Russell Terrier tends to be ridiculously insane.  It’s only a matter of time before she pulls a Cujo and breaks the front window out wanting to eat a jogger passing by the house.

You could read more into this drawing if you really, really, really wanted to, but do you really want to?  I totally believe that if a meeting similar to the one at the top of this post were to happen, what you see is what you’d get.  Lucy is extremely protective and territorial… if I didn’t mention it, she’s also one door away from being completely crazy.  The thing about Jack Russells is, they tend not to mellow out with age.  I’ve lived with Lucy a number of years… she is getting up there.  Even so, I can see no curbing of the crazy.  It’s nice when you can rely on something staying the same.

I think that Frank spent more time being concerned with how he drew Snoopy in this illustration that he could give less than a care with how Lucy or I look.

That’s cool, I guess.  Every dog has his/her day.

phillips or flat head screw

screw it

Just screw it.  Seems a very plausible way of dealing with something, right?  Just screw it.  I know you all know what that means, but if you take it literally, it’s something entirely different.  To screw something is to tighten it into another object… a piece of wood, metal or concrete.  The action secures it tighter into something…it doesn’t just ignore it and move as far away as possible from it.  So, we shouldn’t say screw it… because, if literal, you’d never get rid of it.

It’s still a very fun way to exclaim your disdain, your fed-up-ness of a person, place, thing or idea.  In some ways, it actually makes you feel better by saying it.  But literally, you’re attaching that pain right to yourself… Maybe a better (literal) term would be: trash it, throw it, ignore it… but those don’t have the same ring.

This is the stuff I think about while away for two days.  Deep squirrel… very deep squirrel.

As I have alluded to in the past, be sure to share this knowledge with those you love or don’t love.  There is a suite of social media share buttons at the bottom of every post.  Every click you make spreads my squirrelosophy just a little bit more.  And, if you are a frequent reader, you know that spreading it a little thicker is something I always set out to do.

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