Exercising Responsibility

responsibility and bob the squirrel

Responsibility scares the fur off my tail.  I’m confident that years could be wasted delving into this deep topic, but we’re not going to do that.  To be held accountable for something you don’t know the outcome to is… well… scary.  The more I say I need to stop running from it, the more I want to be able to fly.

Eventually, you can’t run, walk, crawl or ooze away from responsibility.  It locks you in a windowless room and forces you to deal with it.

I never said I was here to deliver an uplifting message.  I’m here to deliver the truth.

I will do that as soon as I stop running.

And be sure to check out the latest Bob the Squirrel and Squirrelosophy collections: at one point, the kid had A LOT of potential and that’s one way of doing it along with all the other Bob the Squirrel books… if you haven’t already.

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