phillips or flat head screw

screw it

Just screw it.  Seems a very plausible way of dealing with something, right?  Just screw it.  I know you all know what that means, but if you take it literally, it’s something entirely different.  To screw something is to tighten it into another object… a piece of wood, metal or concrete.  The action secures it tighter into something…it doesn’t just ignore it and move as far away as possible from it.  So, we shouldn’t say screw it… because, if literal, you’d never get rid of it.

It’s still a very fun way to exclaim your disdain, your fed-up-ness of a person, place, thing or idea.  In some ways, it actually makes you feel better by saying it.  But literally, you’re attaching that pain right to yourself… Maybe a better (literal) term would be: trash it, throw it, ignore it… but those don’t have the same ring.

This is the stuff I think about while away for two days.  Deep squirrel… very deep squirrel.

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