dealing with my issues

dealing with my issues

I so love dealing with my personal issues.  If I ever had to fill out something that asks me to list my occupation, I suppose “issue dealer” would be on my short list of options.  Cultural icon would be my first choice.

I should also mention that Frank, ever the time conservationist, has again given me a bare bones drawing… no erasing, no inking, no makeup.  He says he likes the way it looks… I guess I could acquire a taste for this new thing… but hopefully he won’t make it too permanent.  Too many eyes on my structure feels weird.

My issues are my issues…making them the most important issues in the world.  They are unique only to me and me alone. I only want to deal with your issues if they overlap on mine or I accidentally trip over them.  I’m not the only one that feels this way.  Everyone cares to a point and then pushes that point to the back of the refrigerator until it starts to smell bad or turns an unnatural color.  I’m not the only one.  You can be like this too.

This is how actors and actresses develop their chops.  By becoming convincing that they care.  If you don’t believe me, look it up.


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