viral viral viral…

going viral the way it was meant to be

Frank was too busy this weekend to really dive into what I wanted to say about being viral.  He was re-tiling and re-painting a room in the house… it was good to see him do some REAL work for a change.  Consequently, he was unable to create anything new for this morning.  So, I’m taking a walk down memory lane with this viral goober from the past.  The only thing is, it never went viral…never even cam close to viral… not even a sniffle.  It just sat there on the internet all day… didn’t wash its hands, wiped its nose with its sleeves, coughed without covering its mouth… sought out people to sneeze on it… and nothing.

All that effort to spread and no one had toast or a butter knife.  So there it sat until this morning, when I pawed through the massive archive of squirrelosophy to expose this to the germy internet air once again.  Yes, it had a life, but it lives again. Viral…going viral is the new way to get your 15 minutes.  My problem is every time keeping piece around me refuses to measure time.  I’ll never be viral.  That might be a good thing though too.  I can be that secret that everyone knows about but no one wants to share… oooh, Bob the Squirrel is eclectic…it’s so out there that you need a telescope to understand it.


Man, I miss Frank.

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