meaningless meaning…

meaningless meaning

What does “losing all meaning” actually mean?  I mean,  (heh) If the meaning is gone, that supposes that it was there at one point.  Are the hard drives in our heads and hearts so fickle that they would erase something that important moments before we need it?  Does meaning, or lack of meaning, just crash our systems?  Seriously… this squirrel needs to know.  I like to know almost everything I can… it’s better to know something and not need it than it is to need it and not know it.  Do I need to know how to tie a Carrick Bend?   In the day to day of a talking squirrel’s life, probably safe to assume not.  But, as Frank’s mother always likes to say: “You never know.”  Know it now, be MacGyver later.

Meaning is found, or rather, re-interpreted, by the constant gathering of information.  If you lose a meaning…make another one up.  If you’re wrong, how will you really even know?

But what do I know… I’m just a wannabe knot tying squirrel.

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