off to see the wizard…


Yes, I’m gonna talk about the Wizard of Oz... not that Potter guy…

You always have the power within yourself to be or do whatever you want…you just need to be tested.  The journey is part of that test… to have adventure and to see what you’re really made of.  Maybe, the journey reveals that what you initially sought didn’t mean as much as you thought it did.  Maybe, placebos work much better as a cure than actual medication.  Maybe tin men should get clear coated to prevent rust…or maybe find a less in-the-elements type of vocation to pursue.

The Wizard in the Wizard of Oz was a faker… but a faker with a heart… albeit a conceited, cowardly and selfish heart.  It was a heart nonetheless.

We tend to fool ourselves more than we’re honest with ourselves.  I think that this is completely normal just so long as one doesn’t eliminate the other completely.  Fooling ourselves allows us to do things we never thought we could do.  Being honest with ourselves allows us to figure out what needs to be done.
If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t think I’m the Wizard.  If I’m fooling myself, then I probably already forgot.

Just follow the yellow brick road, okay?


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